Established in 1979Owned and operated by Kenny & Linda Baker. Bakers towing has stayed as a family owned and operated business to date. Servicing the East Tennessee area based out of Sevier County has given Bakers Wrecker Service the experience to handle any job that fits the customers needs.
- Sevierville Chamber of Commerce -Tennessee Tow Truck Association - Better Business Bureau |
Our GoalWe strive to provide a fast, reliable, safe, and convenient service to every customer in need. Our friendly and helpful staff are highly trained and qualified to assist every customer regardless the size of the job. There is no job to large or small for Bakers Wrecker Service. Our goal is to please every customer and treat them with kindness and respect, as well as keeping them safe and comfortable. We want your experience with Bakers Wrecker service to be a pleasant experience you will never forget!
Law Enforcement
The National Park Service Tennessee Highway Patrol Sevierville Police Department Pigeon Forge Police Department Sevier County Sheriff's Department Commercial Accounts
Local Dealerships Local Body Shops Local Repair Facilities |
Motor Clubs
AAA Quest USAC Geico All State Fleet Net Coach Net Road America National Safe Driver |
We're Here for You 24/7We have team members and trucks working and on the road 24/7 to assist every person in any need they may have that requires our services!